About DR. Justin shin
Experience(s): San Francisco Veterans Affairs Hospital (SFVAMC), U.C. Davis Health, UCSF, Highland Hospital
Education: Integrative medicine, Acupuncture, Herbs, Medical research, & Pharmacology
Board Member - CSOMA (Professional Director)
Awarded “Worldwide Leader in Health 2019” - Top Acupuncturist in the Bay Area
Awarded “Patient Preferred Physician/Practitioner” - 2019
Dr. Shin is a South Korean American born and raised in Northern Virginia (Fairfax County). He grew up with a family of Pharmacists so he knew early in his life that he wanted to study Pharmacy. He studied Pharmacy at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy (MCPHS) in Boston, MA. Upon graduation, he became the Director of Formulations at a small Pharmaceutical company at a young age. He then decided to go into the research of Pharmacology & Physiology and studied the role of proteins in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) at Drexel University College of Medicine under Felix Kim, PhD.
Realizing that pharmaceutical medication is not the cure for all diseases, Dr. Shin was introduced to acupuncture & herbal medicine as a modality for pain and internal conditions. This convinced him to go for his Doctorate in Traditional Chinese Medicine at the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ACTCM).
Dr. Shin used his knowledge and background in pharmacy and research to become the first fellow at UCSF's integrative medicine center for acupuncture. He was able to observe and train under leading physicians to become a great practitioner. He was a part of Highland Hospital's (Oakland, CA) Integrative Medicine Residency Program, where he provided in-patient care with acupuncture for pain relief. Dr. Shin practiced acupuncture for U.C. Davis Hospital’s Department of Anesthesia & Pain Medicine. He was also an Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology at his alma-mater, CIIS. Currently, Dr. Shin is pioneering the first Acupuncture program for the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center (SFVAMC) as their Acupuncture Program Coordinator. Serving our nation’s veterans. He also started the 1st ever Cupping Clinic in the nation - CUPS.
He is committed to educating future acupuncturists and patients. He is an excellent provider by remaining up-to-date with the latest research and techniques in the field of integrative medicine, along with new pharmaceuticals in the pipe line. As medicine keeps changing, he believes that doctors need to stay updated too.
He believes that every case is different and requires his full attention. Every patient is unique and he enjoys having all of his patients leaving with a smile and sharing stories of how their quality of life has improved through Integrative Medicine.
In 2019, he was awarded “Top Acupuncturist of San Francisco” and “Patient-Preferred Acupuncturist (Nationally)”.
Outside of Practice
Dr. Shin is an athlete and enjoys basketball, boxing and wants to pick up golfing. He is the captain-player for the Korean National American Basketball Association (KNABA) team of San Francisco - SFKO Tigers. He is also the president of the Korean Sports Council of San Francisco for the Basketball Organization. SFKO Tigers were nationally ranked as 2nd in 2019 with his leadership on the team.
He loves watching Disney +, His favorite movie is the Lion King, Tarzan and Moana.
He has two fur-baby Pomskies named Kylo (male) and Kona (female). He also has a great group of friends in the Bay-Area he considers his “Famry” eating amazing food and working out together.
Kylo (Left) & Kona (Right)
Education & Experience
Bachelor (B.S) - MCPHS ‘12
Pharmacy / Pharmaceutical Sciences
Graduate (M.Sc) - Drexel College of Medicine ‘15
Pharmacology & Physiology: Drug Discovery & Development
Doctorate (DACM) -ACTCM at CIIS ‘18
Doctor of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
Fellowship - UCSF Osher Center of Integrative Medicine
Residency - Highland Hospital: Alameda Health System
-Department of Internal Medicine
-Division of Integrative Medicine
Previous - Food & Drug Administration (FDA) ORISE Fellowship.
Previous Employers - FDA, Pallimed Pharmaceuticals, Highland Hospital, Modern Acupuncture, U.C. Davis Health
professional Memberships
International Association of Functional Neurology & Rehabilitation (IAFNR)
American Society of Chinese Medicine (ASCM)
American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS)
California State Oriental Medical Association (CSOMA) - Active Board Member since 2019 (Professional Director)
International Center for Integrative Medicine (ICIM)
Dr. Shin was featured on a Thank You video for all health care providers who won the Patient Preferred Physician award in 2019 (1 minute 32 seconds into the film).